214 steps to field and back. justin + ash fucked in front of hunter. Oink Oink.ash taking off clothes. Moan. "go justin go" justin shirtless. ash pantless. "you drooled on me" says ash. Justin bangs hard. shakes floor. ash breathes hard, maon softly. *kiss* justin maon, ashley continue to moan. HARD HARD HARD. Justin finish. *kiss kiss* :"you can fuck in front of other people, but you wont let htme join" ash says. Justin not finished yet. "this is your doing" ahs says. *maon from ash* "justin dosnt care what everybody in this room dioes" *moan* *creak from futton* *justin is silent, ash giggles and moans* *giggle* "im done* says justin* *hunter ruins moment* "not exactly ash* "im on top now" says ash. Justin ISNT DONE. "you need to level up cassy" says ash, refering to WOW. *thump thump thump goes the futon, justin maons slightyly.* "you tired yet?" says ash? "no" replies justin. *boob rub* from justin. "om nom nom nom sais justin" as hunter watvches. *ash jumpes on justin's cock". *cassy getsd up and sucks justin's nipple whil;e I wATCH* ash brethes hard. *cassy kisses ash neck* *ash giggle*. Justin flaccid. *kiss between ash and justin* "oh wow" says justin. *ash yells something incoherent* tooooooooooooooo drtunk. END. CONDOM FELL OFF, THEY DUMB. CONDOM NO GO. THEY SO DUMB. Justin jerk to finsihs *casy blow justin*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!